+44 7340 231694

We pay particular attention to the quality of our technical activities, raw materials and the finished products we develop, produce and sell around the world.

This special care involves their definition, properties and consistency over time, effectiveness, ease of use in application and the development of their range.

The R&D department is staffed almost entirely by graduates or specialized technicians – chemists, engineers, geologists and biologists – each with specific experience in their role.

The group consists of about 7 people located variously in offices and laboratories in Nairobi, Kenya and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Our work group covers the following company roles:

Quality System & Procedures Management

Quality System & Procedures Management guarantees production of the documentation to support the definition of procedures for the most important company processes and their flows.

We decided to give a different interpretation to the concept of “problem” and endow it with a different meaning. So now a problem will be the basis of a Shared Improvement Action to be followed up by special work groups with the right motivation, enthusiasm and technical skills to find a definitive solution to existing problems with the aim of achieving continuous improvement.

Prospecting for new Raw Materials (Mining)

This is a strategic activity for the company, which aims to guarantee the reliability and uniqueness of its product range. We make use of geologists and modern technologies in the search for new mineral sources, and expert chemists and analysts in the laboratories of the group’s various companies to determine the quality and particular properties of the materials we prospect for, as well as their long-term availability in economic terms. Our mines form the fundamental basis of our business, and as such, certainty for our customers.

Raw Material Product and Processing management

Voluptas necessitatibus occaecati quia. Earum totam consequuntur qui porro et laborum toro des clara

Raw Material Product and Processing management is an activity related to the scouting of new raw materials on one hand and their processing and adaptation to the specific applications for which they are designated, on the other.

Quality control management

Quality control management in the various laboratories located alongside the Group’s production plants starts with checks on raw materials, go through process checks in order to avoid non conformities and also drive planned maintenance work to attain a finished product that meets the desired internal product specifications as specified by our Product Managers.

This means that each our product is traced, step by step from the mine to the end user with each step being carefully checked against standards and specifications that have been planned and shared to guarantee an output that leaves our clients worry-free.

Product Management

Product Management embraces various technical roles within the company and communicates these beyond its confines.

It consists of a group of technical experts in the product ranges who are fully familiar with product applications and their designated markets. They know our clients well and hold regular talks with them to become their favourite partners; capable of solving problems, developing new products and targeted solutions.

Product Managers are responsible for maintaining the characteristics and developing their product range and applications. Last but not least, they provide pre- and post- sales technical assistance.